Eye Surgery

Eye Surgery FAQ

Will laser eye surgery hurt?

No it will not because eye drops will be applied to your eyes to numb them throughout the procedure. You will only feel a light pressure on your eye during surgery but this feeling will disappear in a minute.

Is LASIK for you?

  • You must be over 18 to be a LASIK candidate.
  • If you are older than 21, you could be a candidate for laser eye surgery to treat moderate to severe nearsightedness, with or without astigmatism, or mild to moderate farsightedness, also with or without astigmatism.
  • If there's no eye diseases or corneal abnormalities, such as scars or infections.
  • If you lie flat without difficulty or discomfort because laser eye surgery, such as LASIK, will be performed while you’re lying down.

Is LASIK procedure safe?

LASIK eye surgery has been approved and considered safe by the FDA since 1996. According to the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) success rate of the patients who had LASIK is 96% with 20/20 vision or better. LASIK eye surgery is a permanent procedure that corrects your vision problems like nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism.

When can I get back to work after LASIK?

You can return to work after 2 days of your surgery, but to avoid dry eyes after LASIK, we recommend usage of artificial tear drops to keep your eyes moisturized, especially if you spend so much time working in front of a computer screen.

How long does LASIK take?

The surgery takes 5 to 15 minutes for each eye in most types of Lasik. Lasik recovery takes only a few days, but it may take up to three weeks, sometimes longer, for the shape of the cornea to stabilize.

Can I drive right after LASIK surgery?

 No, you must have someone drive you home after LASIK surgery. Even though your vision may seem quite clear immediately after LASIK, some blurriness is common for several hours after surgery and as the numbing eye drops used during your LASIK procedure wear off after surgery. It's common for your eyes to be sensitive to light for a few hours, causing them to "water," which will affect your vision. The best course of action is to have a friend or family member drive you home, and then you can relax or take a nap.

When can I wear makeup after LASIK?

Normal face make-up, for example lipstick, is fine to use just a day or two after the treatment. It’s only really the makeup that is applied in and around the eyes that needs to be avoided like the plague for at least the first 7 days. During this time it’s most important to avoid wearing the following cosmetics: eyeliner, eye shadow, and mascara. This is mainly to avoid any unwanted fibers or liquids to enter the eye, cause irritation, and affect the eye’s recovery process. What’s more, when you return to wearing eye makeup after the one week period, you must be careful not to rub your eyes when removing it to again avoid any further chance of irritation.

What is Cataract?

Cataract is the cloudiness on the eye lens that impairs clarity of our vision. A clear eye lens allow us to see clearly whereas an eye lens with cataract results in blurred vision.

What causes Cataract?

Most frequent Cataract forms due to aging, 90% of the cataract cases is due to aging. However sometimes a person maybe born with cataract due to genetic reasons. Cataract may develop due to trauma, metabolic diseases and long term use of eye drops with cortisone.

What are the symptoms of Cataract?

The patient may not have any complains at the early stages of Cataract. The vision shall be impaired in time, as the Cataract develops. In core Cataracts when the patient's near sight is corrected his far sight is corrupted. The patient is able to read with reading glasses. The prescription number for distance glasses increases quickly. In cases of sub-capsular Cataracts the patient's sight becomes more blurry in sunlight. In very advanced Cataracts the patient is only able to sense heat.

When should I have Cataract surgery?

Cataract surgery is not urgent. If your sight is failing even though you wear glasses it means it is time to operate. A patient should not wait until the cataract has become so thick that they cannot see. Surgery on a very advanced cataract is much harder and entails risks.

How is Cataract treated?

Surgery is the only way to treat cataracts. There are no special eye drops or diets that can prevent or slow down Cataract once they start to form.

What should I do after Cataract operation?

Generally you can go back to your normal way of life after the operation. You must use the eye drops that are given in the prescribed manner. Water must not get into the eye for the first five days and we must protect our eye. You are free to watch TV, read a book or drive a vehicle.

What are the types of Glaucoma?

There are 2 types of glaucoma:

  • Primary open-angle glaucoma: This type of Glaucoma is the most common type. The eye pressure is a little higher than normal level. There are no symptoms. It Is insidious and causes the patient to lose vision slowly. This type of Glaucoma can be diagnosed at later stages.
  • Angle-closure glaucoma: It is a rarely seen Glaucoma type. The eye pressure increases rapidly to high levels. It may cause severe headache and eye pains (Glaucoma attack). This type of Glaucoma can be diagnosed at early stages.

What are the symptoms of Glaucoma?

There are no symptoms at early stages of open-angle Glaucoma. When the Glaucoma advances and the optic nerves are damaged, symptoms such as narrowing in vision field, loss in vision, may be detected. There is no irritation, itching, or rash . Angle-closure Glaucoma is a rare form of glaucoma with symptoms such as intense headache and eye pains, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, visual halos around light and eye rash.

How is Glaucoma diagnosed?

Glaucoma is usually diagnosed incidentally. Most of the time, the patients visit for an optalmological examination to get eye-glasses and diagnosed with high eye pressure.

In case of Glaucoma suspect, eye pressure is measured again at various frequency. Besides eye pressure measuring, measuring central corneal thickness by pachymeter, is another method. A tomography scanning is performed to scan the visual field and optic nerve fibers (Rnfl). It is not right to diagnose Glaucoma without performing these tests. The patient can be diagnosed with Glaucoma only if the tests support our suspect.

Is the corneal thickness important to diagnose Glaucoma?

If the central corneal thickness of the eye is thicker than the regular size, then the measured eye pressure would be higher than actual eye pressure, in error. If the central corneal thickness of the eye is thinner than the regular size, then the measured eye pressure would be lower than actual eye pressure, in error. The thickness of the cornea is measured with pachymeter. If there is any glaucoma suspect, the central corneal thickness should definitely be measured.

Who is at risk of Glaucoma?

1. People who have a family history of Glaucoma.

2. People who have long-term cortisone use.

3. People who have diabetes.

4. People who have high level of myopia (nearsightedness) – hyperopia (farsightedness).

5. People over the age of 40.

Since Glaucoma has no symptoms, people at risk should get their eye pressure checked, once a year.

What is lens implant?

A lens placed in the posterior chamber of the eye in a procedure lasting approximately 10 minutes. It is custom-made to correct myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism. The artificial lens is neither perceptible nor visible.

Is Lens implant painful?

The eyes are treated with anesthetic drops. For 3 to 5 hours after the operation, patients must be prepared for a foreign body sensation, which includes light sensitivity and tears in the eyes. Painkillers are not required.

Can the implanted lens be felt in the eye after the operation?

The implanted lens is made of a biocompatible material. It is very flexible and cannot be felt.

Does lens implant cause more sunlight sensitivity?

The artificial lens contains a UV protector that protects the lens and retina from sensitive solar radiation.

What to expect from lens implant?

Precise vision corrections are achieved using lens implant. The newest technology is used both in the preliminary examination and during the operation.

Who is suitable for lens implant?

The patient should be at least 19 years old for all procedures. Dioptre values must be stable for at least 1-2 years. Wound healing disorders must be clarified in advance. Relevant eye diseases are somewhat counterproductive for refractive surgery.

How long does lens implantation take?

Including all preparations, the treatment takes about 20 to 30 minutes. Laser application and surgical treatment of the eye usually only takes a few minutes.

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